Steller's Guestbook

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May 3rd 2014
11:32:01 PM
Private Entry.
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April 30th 2014
10:15:18 PM
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April 22nd 2014
08:37:30 AM
Private Entry.
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April 19th 2014
04:30:02 AM
Private Entry.
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April 17th 2014
12:38:27 AM
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April 16th 2014
10:57:25 PM
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April 15th 2014
11:53:25 AM
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April 15th 2014
11:49:41 AM
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April 14th 2014
11:59:31 PM
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April 14th 2014
11:08:17 PM
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April 7th 2014
12:24:03 PM
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April 7th 2014
07:24:02 AM
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April 4th 2014
04:17:59 PM
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April 2nd 2014
03:15:20 PM
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March 26th 2014
09:53:18 AM
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June 25th 2005
11:02:34 PM
What is your name?  


Where are you from?  


which story did you read?  


Do you have any comments?  

Hi Kevin this is Billy from Yahoo,be nice to hear from you,keep up the good work thank's

Email Email    
August 23rd 2004
08:38:41 PM
What is your name?  


What is the Title of your Web Site:  

The life behind superman_0319

A Description of your Web Site:  

All about me

How did you find this Web Site?  

Your a long lost friend

Where are you from?  

Originally Jersey, but reside in florida

which story did you read?  

ALl of them

Do you have any comments?  

Theirs not enough stories and their stopped after a certain day? whats going on with you kevin?

Email Email     Website website    
April 11th 2004
07:02:22 PM
What is your name?  


What is the Title of your Web Site:

A Description of your Web Site:  

A great place to get information, videos, mp3's, pictures, and a whole bunch of other stuff on Sailormoon!

How did you find this Web Site?  

Don't Remember

Where are you from?  

CA originally

which story did you read?  

Football Dream

Do you have any comments?  

I have had your site bookmarked for almost 4 years now I believe. The stories are really good, and you have lots of talent. I should of posted in your guestbook before, but didn't know you had one till I revisted your site. Keep it going, it's great!

Email Email     Website website    
December 25th 2003
10:32:11 AM
What is your name?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

from you babe!!!

Where are you from?  


which story did you read?  

all of them of course, over and over again...hehehe.

Do you have any comments?  

Hope your Christmas was everything you hoped it to be, I know that this is your favorite time of the year, it's mine too...
May the miracles of the holiday season bring you and CK all the joys, love, peace and happiness in to you lives.
Nice talking wit ya sitting in the massaging chair at the Sharper Image Store...sounded like you were in X-tasy!!! Hehehe...
Anyways bro, Hope we get to chat on the phone again soon and not only at Christmas...

I love you and miss you very much!!!

ps-your Christmas card is on it's way...Sorry I had a very late start this year wit all that's been happening and stuff.

Email Email    
December 2nd 2003
07:54:40 AM
What is your name?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

From my Dearest Friend!!!

Where are you from?  


which story did you read?  

all of them of course, over and over again...hehehe.

Do you have any comments?  

Hey Kevy, Have you been getting my emails? Miss you bro! Sorry I haven't been around too much, I am on a one day break, I am flying out to Toronto this afternoon. Remember?
Anyways, the last email I sent was when I was in Missouri. Hope things are getting better for you, if you need to talk or need some comforting bro, you know I'm always an email or a phone call away my sweet.
I love you much bro and I know you know that but I just wanted to tell you. Sometimes we need to hear it and I really mean it, now that I know you really know.
I gotta get packin' now, Rob is gonna start hollarin if I don't. Be on the look out for my emails and I'll talk to ya really soon. Love and miss you bro...Huge Hugs and Sweet Kisses-Dave

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