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Re: Looking for people who served with E.G. Weisenburn
The 538th Construction Engineer Battalion along with the 44th Engineers helped build the Korat Airfield in 1965.
The 538th, with four companies A, B, C, and D were one of the several Engineer Companies responsible for building the "Friendship Highway" from Korat to Ubon. The purpose of the road was to haul bombs from the seaport to the air bases at Ubon and Udorn, so they could be flown to Vietnam and used on the enemy.
I served with C Company of the 538th from April 1966 through April 1967. We were located on top of the Khao Yai Mountain (Also called Korat Mountain or Big Mountain). My duties was honcho of 20 Thai natives that were used to clear jungle, set culverts, build head-walls, build and maintain our outpost accommodations.
During this time we lived in hooch's in the middle of the jungle.
Thanks for the offer but I am already a life member in the VFW.