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Re: No love Blossoming?

It has been one month since you told your story about the male cockatiel that was "madly in love with your brother".
Has he "dumped" your brother for the female cockatiel yet? Birds of a feather generally flock together but your cockatiel thinks he is human. (Or that your brother is female)

Re: No love Blossoming?

Thanks for your interest, yes, nature has finally HAD ITS WAY, sort of, we purchased a second male for our little female friend and now she has a permanant smile on her little beak. As for my brother and "nibbles" he now has my brother all to himself and again is very happy not to have to share him, WITH HER, and lets face it if you don't tell him my brother isn't female either will I, both couples are doing well! Isn't love grand!

Where are you from? Banora Point