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Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

ok first off im sorry to say this but his ex ended up cussing me out after he left but that dont make it right for what happened to her but i let things go except for this i do have to agree with everyone in here for what all they said and if i knew ya was like this i wouldnt even think about talking to ya cause ya aint worth scum to me now for your ex i do really hope shes ok and have moved on to someone alot better then you

Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

oh another thing i want to say in rogues defense....i have known them for a while now and i can honestly say...that all the times i seen them around me in the rooms and such....not once was ur name ever mentioned...or did they bad mouthed u to me.....just had to say that

Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

I see he didnt have the nads to respond. Funny.

Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

we are watching you..."cowboy"

Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

passes wickie the looking glass...lmao

Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

david this is honeybee why are you tellin ppl that i have been talkin to you in pm and that i am saying this or that when you know **** well it is not true i have keep my mouth shut and out of things for a long ass time but enough is enough. STOP GETTING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR BS.

Re: I apprecaite how after 7 months I'm STILL called a backstabber......****tard....whatever

lmao now his so called homies are back stabbing him! It Brings tears to my eyes...hes such a Mc****burger!