Cinema e Utopia

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Cinema e Utopia
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Culture of India

People in India speak the Hindi, and English languages. The linguistic diversity of India is very diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for India is 0.8069. The followers of Hinduism are the religious majority in the country. 31.3% of India's population live in cities. This percentage comprises the urban population of India. The rate of urbanization in India is considered to be 2.4. According to data on inbound tourists in India, 6,968,000 tourists arrive in the country each year.

National anthem
The national anthem of India is called 'Jana Gana Mana', which in English means 'Hail the ruler of all minds'. It was adopted in 1950. Both the music and the lyrics have been composed by Rabindranath Tagore.

Fast food
The first McDonalds in India was opened on 13 October 1996, and it was located in Delhi. At the moment India has 250 operating McDonalds restaurants. The number of operating McDonalds restaurants in a country is indicative of the influence of Western culture and globalization in that country. Operating McDonalds restaurants could also have a direct impact on the health of a nation's citizens. Around 2% of the population of India are obese.

Alcohol consumption
Each year, the people of India consume 2.2 litre of alcohol per capita, and this volume consists of 6.8% beer, 0.1% wine, 93.1% distilled spirits, 0% other alcohol.

National dish
One of the most popular national dishes of India is various types of curry.