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Ron Paul New Years Eve Party!!!

Announcing a new event for The Cleveland Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group!

What: New Years Eve Party!!

When: Monday, December 31, 8:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: everyone should just come and have a good time and lets get to know each other. park in my driveway, on the street and if that fills up, there is a midas muffler shop on the corner that you could park in.

Event Description: I'm not a good party organizer, so here is my best guess. lets just say, bring your own beverages. If anyone would like to bring some snacks or make something, please do. Maybe we can chip in and have some pizza delivered. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
anyone who overdoes it is welcome to stay the night, and if maryanne has anything to say about it, she'll force you to stay, lol. i'm asking that no kids are at this event, i guess i could allow teenagers though. I have a pool table, dart board, video games and hopefully lots of fanatics will show up to have a rocking good time!! rsvp and maybe say what you'll bring i'll supply the cups, napkins and plates.

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Re: Ron Paul New Years Eve Party Location!!!

Jeff McNeeley's house
4216 W.48th
Cleveland OH 44102

I would do a mapquest from your address to this location.