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A Better Place

I have just finished "A Better Place." It took me one day. I could not put it down. It was the best book I have read. The second I finished I placed for all of Mark Roeder books. Casper and Brendan's love is what I like to have one day.

This book is one of the best novel's describing true love among gay youth.

Re: A Better Place

I concur that A Better Place is a most 'sweet' read. I liken this book to a Disney film: Cinderalla. There's a Cinderalla and a charming handsome Prince. This is also the the 1st Roeder book I've read, and now I intend to add all of Mark's novels to my collection of 600 gay titles. I applaud guys like Roeder who devote their time and energy to creating stories that warms our hearts and makes us proud of ourselves.

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Replying to:

I have just finished "A Better Place." It took me one day. I could not put it down. It was the best book I have read. The second I finished I placed for all of Mark Roeder books. Casper and Brendan's love is what I like to have one day.

This book is one of the best novel's describing true love among gay youth.

Re: Re: A Better Place

You're right, both of you. "A Better Place" is the sweetest book. But then again, all of Mark's books are sweet. It gives me back my faith in mankind - I tend to loose it from time to time - to see there there are still sweet people left.

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Replying to:

I concur that A Better Place is a most 'sweet' read. I liken this book to a Disney film: Cinderalla. There's a Cinderalla and a charming handsome Prince. This is also the the 1st Roeder book I've read, and now I intend to add all of Mark's novels to my collection of 600 gay titles. I applaud guys like Roeder who devote their time and energy to creating stories that warms our hearts and makes us proud of ourselves.

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Replying to:

I have just finished "A Better Place." It took me one day. I could not put it down. It was the best book I have read. The second I finished I placed for all of Mark Roeder books. Casper and Brendan's love is what I like to have one day.

This book is one of the best novel's describing true love among gay youth.

Re: A Better Place

Reading "A Better Place" definitely took my imagination -- and my heart -- on a voyage to a better place. Mr. Roeder's books have a knack for doing that. I haven't been a teenager for ... well, for far more years than I'm going to admit here. But the author of ABP captures the essence of what I remember from those years and distills it into an elixir that brings a warm smile to my lips and, not infrequently, a tear to my eyes. I urge any young gay man (and most of us older ones as well) to take a deep look into Mr. Roeder's books -- especially "A Better Place," where life's challenges (and even some of its horrors) resolve themselves into one of the most poignant and intensely human "love stories" I have ever read. Among its many values, it offers several images of gay youth and their strengths that would have served many gay teens in my era as powerful and positive role models. I think it can serve gay teens -- and thoughtful gay adults -- today equally well in proposing what we can really be and what we can accomplish if we put our hearts and our heads in "a better place."

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Replying to:

I have just finished "A Better Place." It took me one day. I could not put it down. It was the best book I have read. The second I finished I placed for all of Mark Roeder books. Casper and Brendan's love is what I like to have one day.

This book is one of the best novel's describing true love among gay youth.