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Masked Destiny

I have just finished reading Masked destiny. Now is it just me or does Skye sound way out of character from Mark Roeders usual Characters. Im not saying i dont like him, but through out the whole book he just seemed kinda off. Also to me, this book seemed to be the most violent, but i did love how Mark kinda made it seem like Skye or Oliver were the ones reciting the story. Marks original voice is great!

Re: Masked Destiny

Yes, Skye sounds different from many of Mark's other characters but that's good, no?

I can tell ya from several decades of experience not all gay men (and youth) sound alike.

That's where the whole "gay pride" thing falls apart for me in some ways. We are a diverse community. We are nelly, we are butch, we are smart, we are dumb, we are honerable and we are dishonorable. Further we are openly gay and we are closeted.

The one thing that MOST of us are is honest enough with ourselves to admit that we are attracted to the same sex and courageous enough to go against the societal pressure to deny it (at least to ourselves)

I strongly believe that there are others who feel the same urges and have the same attractions but NEVER work these things out. That I think is where a lot of the prejudice against gay people comes from. It's probably an overgeneralization but I think that internalized homophobia leads to people becoming gay-bashers

Re: Re: Masked Destiny

You know what, i being a "out to everyone" gay free lance writer, i believe in the importance of being gay, and of course of admitting it too not only myself but those who ask..., i am who i am and i will not change for anyone.

I especially enjoyed "a better place" by mark roeder, however most if not the whole novel almost depicts what has ocurred within my life, the character "casper's" life is near too what has happened in mine, but its alot worse then that.