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Mark Roeder Discussion Board
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How many paperbacks do you have of Mark's books?

As someone who's trying to collect all of Mark's books in the paperback editions (so I don't have to stare at the computer screen for hours just to read the books online, lol), I was wondering out of curiosity: how many paperbacks of Mark's books does everyone here actually own? I'm not asking for all of the ones you've read, just the ones you own in paperback versions (or hardcover, if they come in hardcover). And which ones are they?

So far I've got "Outfield Menace" and "Do You Know That I Love You?". I'm not sure which ones to get next, but most definitely "The Soccer Field is Empty" will be one of them.

Re: How many paperbacks do you have of Mark's books?

Ive got all but "Altered Realities, "This time Around", "The Vampires Heart", "Phantom world", and "Ancient Predujice Break to New Mutiny". Man writing that down now makes me relize i need to go buy the them! Oh, you have to get them all. Alot of people think im crazy for owning all the books ive ever read, but i think that it makes it more real i guess you could say. By owning the books i can just pick them up whenever (and take them wherever) without having to wory about a due date.


Re: How many paperbacks do you have of Mark's books?

I have all of them. All in paperback. ALL worth reading. :} 'Someone is watching' is really the only one I had trouble getting a hold of. I had to hunt for that one. Some told me It was out of print, others said they had to order it from other stores on the other side of the country. Borders finally got it for me. They're pretty good about getting anything you want. Barns and Noble is great(discount and all) but if they can't get one of Mark's books then Borders is your best bet.
P.S. If your not sure what to read next, I suggest going in order. They're all listed in order on the site. Just don't forget 'The Vampire's Heart' For some reason it's not listed here anymore. ??? (It's basically last, kind of on it's own)

Re: How many paperbacks do you have of Mark's books?

I have them all as well. You can get any of them off of I would definitely recommend them all. You should try to get them in order because in each preceeding novel there are little connections to a previous book.