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Thoughts on books so far...


So far I have read both 'The Soccer Field is Empty' and 'A Better Place'. I guess, my question is how far these stories are from the truth? I know they're fictional but has anyone come across any real life experiences/stories that are similar to Casper and Brendan's or even Mark and Taylor's?

I was very moved by the ending of 'The Soccer Field...'. Mark, have you ever been approached by anyone that has a story to tell which is not that dissimilar from the one you told in the book?

Btw, the books are great, fantastic reading.
Thank you for writing them Mark! :D


Re: Thoughts on books so far...

omg!!! i felt such the same way about 'the soccer fields are empty' i even cried. and yes that actually does happen . i know im nobody to answer your question but its true.i read all the books exccept masked identity, phantom world and vampires heart.but i absolutley loved all the others.