A site you may like to visit & data on what I stock!.
Firstly the website www.silverdragons.co.uk It is all complete and the largest (5.2 miles)on Britain's Mainland, 1500 plus ft up in the Welsh Mountains & yes Edelweiss grows there too.
Each church chapel tavern school & farms remains sealed up as when the 254 folk were removed in 1940 and are maintained by MoD.
The other thing is that I am never looking for work, I have a waiting list of 3 months for the last 17 years restoring of all things ? HORNS for cars & Bikes.
I have 7000 originals in stock from 1900. Plus the largest prog. telling what goes on which & when, Try me re TRIUMPHS!!
All the best, no need to have work from you & you may need data free of charge from my database which is honestly immense.
Only things not to bother me about are the Clearhooters P101/P201 for 69 Triumph T120's they were only made for a year & are usually too rusted within to restore.