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Alexandrine breeding problem

hi all, this breeding season wasnt a particular good season, i bought a breeding pair of alexandrine parrots and put a divider up in my main avairy and had my yellow ringnecks on one side and the alexandrine's on the other. The alex's laid 4 eggs but they failed to hatch, and i cracked one of them open and it was infertile with nothing in it. And the yellow ringnecks which i had no trouble breeding last season did even lay an egg or go into courtship. i was wondering whether having these 2 pair next to each other would influence these results and was wondering whether anyone can answer about the infertile eggs when the ex owner said that they have bred before.

Where are you from? sydney

Re: Alexandrine breeding problem

The parrots might have taken a while to get use to their new environment but there could be other reasons.
Have a look at this article by Rob Marshall about egg problems. He is talking about Budgerigars but you might get some ideas from it.