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New Finch Owner - Help!

Just today received two baby - very young zebra finches.
I believe they are both female. This afternoon the smaller of the tow started 'attacking' the larger one.
It has lost feathers and appears to have a wound on the breast. No vet available till afternoon tomorrow. Meantime I have separated them, any advice most welcome.
Thanks in advance

Where are you from? Sydney

Re: New Finch Owner - Help!

It might have been the stress of moving to a new environment that caused the attack. You did the right thing by seperating them. When the injured one recovers you can put them back together when you have some spare time to watch how they react to each other. If it happens again you might consider replacing the aggressive one.

Re: New Finch Owner - Help!

Thanks, just reporting both are getting along just fine now! Left them apart for a day, then rejoined them this afternoon, chirping happily together all afternoon.
The 'wound' was actually just wet feathers. New mum worried for nothing, but was stressful at the time.
Hopefully that was the last of the nonsense.

Where are you from? Sydney