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Corella grinding beak?

Hi, can someone plz help me? I just bought a long-billed Corella and it has just began to settle in. He lets us pat him and doesn't bite at all. But he seems to be grinding his beak all the time. Can anyone tell me what this means?

Also, can you tell me what sort of food i should be feeding him?

Thanx. :)

Re: Corella grinding beak?

Corellas are very busy, playful birds and really love to keep themselves occupied by digging, scratching and chewing with their beaks. It sounds as though your bird needs something to chew or play with. Your corella will benefit from a large area with a sand or dirt floor, some fine gravel, stones, branches and sticks for his amusement. There are some great parrot toys available these days too.

I like to give my large parrots a mixture of parrot pellets and large parrot seed mix, with about 50% of their diet consisting of fresh food: seeding native grasses and flowering trees, apples, silverbeet and corn-on-the-cob.

Hope this helps; good luck!

Where are you from? Hunter Valley NSW