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I have two zebra finches, one male and one female, she has started laying eggs, but all over the place, some in the nest, but they are fairly spread out, as in physically far apart. the nest is made in an old colander (In hindsite, too large) I had put a bought finch nest thing in there but they ignorred it and In the end I put the colander in and they nested in that. so my query is, should I pull out the nest, find all the eggs, put them all together in the nest, and repace the nest? Or should I just leave them be until she gives up laying etc. By my count she must have 8 eggs.

Where are you from? Leeton

Re: Finches/breeding

Even though some of the eggs are in the colander it sounds like she is not ready to call it her home. Try your "puting all the eggs together" idea to see if they want to sit on the eggs.
I would also be trying to interest them in an enclosed nest like a nestbox. You could put some nesting material in a nestbox leaving some hanging out of the entrance hole to get them curious. You could even put in 2 boxes to give them a choice.
Keep us updated on how things turn out.