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The Tale of Eros and Psyche

Psyche was the most beautiful (teenage) girl in the world, so beautiful in fact that everyone who saw her called her by the name of Aphrodite, the Beautiful Goddess of Love. This made the goddess angry, and she told her grown son, Handsome Eros, to poison Psyche with his arrows of love, so that she'd fall in love with the most horrifying creature alive. But when Eros saw how kind and beautiful Psyche was, he fell in love with her too, and vowed he would marry her. So Eros had Zephyrus, the West Wind, sweep Psyche away to a magnificent palace. Psyche was treated like a guest of honor, and loved being there. Every evening, Eros came to Psyche, but made himself invisible for fear that Psyche would only love him for his power and good looks. Soon, Psyche was deeply in love with Kind Eros, but she made a big mistake: She invited her good-for-nothing sisters over to the palace. When her evil sisters saw all that she had, they were extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemly jealous, and told Psyche that her husband must be hiding his identity because he's a monster that would eat her and her unborn child (she and Eros slept together, duh, they're getting married soon) when it grew hungry. Psyche tried to ignore her sisters, but grew troubled, and that night, betrayed Eros' trust and lit a candle to see his face. And boy was she surprised to see a totally hot god in her room. Eros was sleeping, luckily, but sadly, his handsomeness was too much, and Psyche thought she wouldn't live if she didn't kiss him. And if you've ever read "East O the Sun, West O the Moon", you know that for some reason the girl can't PUT DOWN THE LAMP BEFORE SHE KISSES HIM. And of course burning oil fell from the lamp onto Eros' shoulder and he awoke. He took it all in at first glance, and, saddened by Psyche's distrust, vanished into the night, though he still loved her. And Psyche still loved him, and she was going to do anything to get him back... even go to Aphrodite!

Re: The Tale of Eros and Psyche

Aphrodite gave Psyche one task: to go to the Underworld and retreive a box of beauty from the Queen. Eros came to Psyche and gave her directions on how to get out of the Underworld... safe and alive!:
*Pay Charon, the boatman of the Underworld River, a coin from your mouth, so that he will ferry you into the Underworld.
*Feed Cerberus, the three-headed giant guard dog, three honycakes so that he will let you pass.
*Don't eat anything in the Underworld.
Psyche followed the instructions, and left the Underworld with the beauty box safely. But then she thought: She deserved that beauty way more then Aphrodite. And she wanted to impress Eros when they finally got MARRIED!!! So she opened the box, but when she did, she discovered not beauty, but Death Sleep...