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AK Veteran's Survey- Deadline Nov 26

November 13, 2014

The Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is asking the state’s veterans to complete a survey either online or on paper to help the department assess veterans’ needs.

It’s the first time the state has spearheaded an effort to complete a needs assessment for Alaska veterans, according to a statement from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

To administer the survey, the department has hired the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the University of Alaska Anchorage. ISER will generate reports from the findings for the department, according to the statement.

Veterans can access the surveys online through or by calling ISER . Anchorage residents should dial 786-5432. Those who live outside the city should call 855-776-5432, said Rosyland Frazier, a research associate with ISER.

About 3,000 surveys have already been mailed to Alaska veterans across the state, and another 1,900 surveys were sent to veteran post commanders to distribute, according to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

All information provided by veterans will be kept confidential, the department said.

Frazier said veterans are being asked to submit their surveys by Nov. 26.