Howdy all,
I usually don't spam folks with stuff, but when someone is trying to make an honest living out of their own back yard, and the guv'mint won't let them, then it's wrong.
I was at the Farmer's Market bazaar this weekend, and these little mini-flyers were out and about, so I grabbed one. I also shared this info with my fellow beekeepers, as we're in a similar boat with truth-in-labeling with regard to honey products vs 'homestead syrup'. Flyer reads thus:
The proposed DEC cheesemaking regulation 18AAC32 ensures that home dairies WILL NOT be able to sell their cheese products. The public comment period for this regulation has been extended to December 31, 2009.
Here's what you can do:
1. Write a short comment to the DEC stating that you are in favor of an 'exemption to home dairies' from the proposed regulation 18AAC32, and email it to
2. Forward to as many Alaskans as you can.
I see on the original document that it was introduced only the first week of Nov, and the original comment closing was Dec 3rd.
If local, seasonal, organic food sources mean something to you in terms of health, lifestyle, and quality of life, please comment. This is also about keeping traditional and self-sufficient homestead practices alive, and minimizing the effects of being cut off from the Lower 48 food supply here in Alaska.
If you don't think the latter is possible, look no further than the Longshoremans' strike in WA/OR a few years ago. It was interesting to watch what was disappearing off the shelves and not being restocked. That is, if you were paying attention.
Here also is the link for the legislation: