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Looking for Ulu Carver w/ "Caribou Creek" in Salcha, AK


We recently found the hand carved Ulu knives made by "Caribou Creek", in a shop in the AAFES Mall on Eielson AFB. We are interested in carrying these Ulu's in our gift shop in Downtown Anchorage.
If anyone knows who we are looking for or has a contact email, phone, address or something it would be greatly appreciated.

I've googled the name "caribou creek," as well as looking it up under the MIA program, and Alaska Wholesale Show- I've had no results.

Thank You,

Re: Looking for Ulu Carver w/ "Caribou Creek" in Salcha, AK

Go to AAFES' website and send a message to the Eielson AFB manager and ask if they can source them. Be sure to send along the link or product number.