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Salcha Community Garden

If you are interested in starting your own plot, include your information and post it on a reply, Thank You, Morrie

Re: Salcha Community Garden

we have three plots, from 2 acres to 50X50 foot and another one I'm not to sure of. looking for more community help, need some gardening tools, hoses,seed or starter plants.

Re: Salcha Community Garden

Hi Morrie,

The size of the flower plot on our place is undetermined; it depends upon how many flowers we may end-up with at transplanting time. Have a great night!


Re: Salcha Community Garden

Hey Nikki,

Do you think that we can track what's up with each plot by posting on here, or do you have some other suggestion? ANYBODY OUT THERE ???? Please feel free to join in!


Re: Salcha Community Garden

Hi Morrie,

I don't have any suggestions for keeping up with each plot other than using this board.

Could you remove the information that I submitted a few weeks ago about the community gardens since all of that has changed?

Have a super day!


Re: Salcha Community Garden

Garden Meeting 7PM at Melissa's, call for directions May 13th
