Vertex - Dethecus
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Final Farewell

I am also regrettably going to be withdrawing from the guild within the next week. I am retiring Ocelot and any other toons I have on Dethecus. It was an honor and a privledge to raid with you all. I will truly miss you all, most notably my bros from HD (odd, Og, skullz), you guys are nothing short of the ****. I will more than likely be logging on within the next week for either a ZG/AQ or MC run as a final raid with you all. So if I dont see you then, goodbye and best wishes both in-game and irl. If anyone wishes to reroll someday, come on over to zuluhed and hit me up (UD Lock, Betic). Peace

Odd- if you talk to Elburna, tell him I said peace and best of luck.

Re: Final Farewell

i wish u the best of luck on whatever u do