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Molten Core Post

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Solo Attunement

Solo attunement to the core vid

This is my first vid so take it easy on me..

Anyway this vid will show rogues/druids how to solo brd for your mc attunement, Please keep in mind i opend all the doors before i filmed to save space on downloads. You must open all the doors to get to the attunement. You must also have one of the two items i list to cross the lava. Greater fire protection pot or swim speed increse pot. So i hope this help some of you that have a hard time finding groups to get things done....Enjoy

Ragnaros Guide

Ragnaros (Please Read)

This is probably the best guide for Rag i've ever seen.

Please take the 5 minutes it takes to read it. The guide shows proper positioning, what to do, how to do it... if the guide were any better it would log in and play your character for you =P


Ever wanted to stab ragnaros and not turn to ashes?

Ever wanted to stab ragnaros and not turn to ashes?

1) Make sure you BACK OFF when he says "Taste the flames of Sulfuron!". If not you will be getting blasted by the knockback. Seriously watch your CT Raid messages and when it says AE Knockback in 5 seconds, move back a little ways, like 10 yards or so to the back of the little island. When he does his AE you will see him turn around and whack his hammer sending a white shockwave. After that goes you can return to stabbing him.

2) You will get hit by that fire splash a whole bunch. This is unavoidable, but it should be the ONLY way Ragnaros ever hits you. If he hurts you any other way you're not dodging his AE in time or doing something else wrong. The splash itself should not hit too hard with good fire resistance. It hits for 800 at 0 FR, 600 at 50FR, 400 at 100FR, 200 at 200FR, and so on 2 Greater Fire Protection Pots will help a ton once before we start the battle and once Right before sons come up for all. You can easily live long enough to bandage yourself every few bursts in case you get a bit low. Ask your party healer to pass you heals over time if possibly to help with some of the damage while not continously penalizing their mana or forcing them to pay attention to you.

3) I will shout out loud 15 to 20 seconds before the sons of flame emerge. When this warning is given, everyone must collapse to the sons positions as shown in the strat.

4) To fight the sons, pick one and DPS the living crap out of it. Choosing a good one is very important. Go for one that is being tanked to prevent getting yourself hurt too bad. However, if there are too many loose ones grab one and Evasion tank it as long as you can while holding it in the vicinity of the others to ensure that a warrior can help you and that the son remains inside the mage/warlock AE zone. If you are tanking it alone hold aggro at all costs, make sure to throw in plenty of stuns.

5) DO NOT DIE AGAINST THE SONS! I said you should tank one if it's loose, but if you're about to die, vanish. We can't have you die. We need every ounce of DPS we can get to finish him off since we can't afford a second wave of sons. Vanish and heal then grab him again if he hasn't been killed or tanked yet.

6) Once the sons are dead, hit your sprint and run around the back of Ragnaros and jump across the lava like you did at the start of the fight. DO NOT go back the way you just came when the sons spawned. Wait for the tank to grab aggro then give him all you have.

Final Note:
You will see that if you play it right your FR gear is not THAT important, as in you can live with less. If you can manage to stay near full health most of the time consider ditching some of your FR gear for your real DPS gear. Rag must be below 50% when the sons are spawned if we are to have any chance to down him. High DPS is critical in this fight. He must go down fast or we will have to face 2 waves of sons, provided we live that long. Very few guilds can actually deal with 2 waves of sons, and those guilds are usually good enough to kill him before the first sons even come up.

Do all that you can to crank your DPS.

Rag Kill Video bout 10 mins or less

Rag Kill Video bout 10 mins or less

With MC on Farm

With MC on Farm

It's time for our members without too many tier 1's, or epic crafted pieces to be looking towards grabbing green, and blue +FR items. With all but Rag on farm status we desperately need to buff our FR. All members for the Ragnaros fight are going to need 150~ FR, otherwise you're simply a liability and a waste of priest's mana. While we spend the next few weeks farming cores, I highly suggest those of you not in line to have epic FR crafted for you go and farm the green and blues.

If you do not have 125+ FR, there's a good chance you won't be there for the Rag attempts. I highly suggest you go get the gear, the librams, the rings, and get that FR up.