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priest specs post 1.10

do any vertex priests know how they're going to spec after the 1.10 patch? is anyone taking divine spirit? power infusion? lightwell?

i think it would be pretty helpful if we had a bit of variety. anyway, check out the talent calculator and post your likely build if you have a chance.

priest 1.10 talent calculator

there's a button to "save template" which will give you a url that you can copy and paste with your build. i personally was leaning towards ~32 points in holy for lightwell but i'll decide when i see what is needed. if nobody else wants to spec disc then i'd do min 21 disc for divine spirit.

Re: priest specs post 1.10

So far, lerix has be assigned to go full shadow with imp. vamp embrace + agro reduction (and then to be placed in MT group).

I will be going for divine spirit w/ neither light well nor power infusion.

I have no problems with the rest of the priests specing tri-tree, full disc or full holy but NOT full shadow as we have room only for 1 shadow priest.

Re: priest specs post 1.10

kormie spent a bit of time on the test realm today and i think i'm going to go a similar route to darrius. kormie's potential talent distribution. mostly a healing build with a few boosts to smite/holy fire. has divine spirit which will give a boost to spiritul guidance (increase damage/healing by 25% of spirit). also has 4/5 spiritual healing and a point in spirit of redemption for 10 seconds of free heals and to make it obvious to everyone that a priest just ate ****.

i wasn't overly impressed with lightwell or power infusion and holy nova seems to me to only really have pvp applications. anyway, if you think i could improve on this build feel free to comment.

Re: priest specs post 1.10

I played an alliance priest for almost a year. I know that if I were still playing it, which sometimes i really miss being a priest, that i would go for this spec...

oh and forgive me for not knowing html well enough to make this look like a pretty clickable link =P

Re: priest specs post 1.10

I will definetly be going 20/31/0 and not getting light well, I will have large heals, and have those heals crit for some amount and will also be able to use holy nova to heal alot of people.