Vertex - Dethecus
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New Addon

For the ZG/AQ raids we will start using an addon called Guild Event Manager. The purpose for this addon is to allow players to "sign up" for the ZG/AQ raids. So that we may see how many players will be showing up or are gonna be late etc. I will post instructions on how to setup the addon shortly. For now, just put it in your interface/addons folder as you would any other addon.

Re: New Addon

Is this the mod you mean?

Re: New Addon

Yes, that is the one.

Re: New Addon

Ok. I am back on my old computer. I set up a channel for us. "vertexGEM" and the password is the same for vent. Basically what you do is put the addon in your interface/addons folder, then when you login wow make sure you have it enabled at the addons menu on the bottom left hand side of the screen at the character selection screen (god what a run-on sentence). Next, when you log in wow you will see a minimap button, click it. It will bring up a GUI for GEM. Tab over to options and join our channel. You can explore around to discover things for yourself, but if you go back to the first tab, and you are in the vertex channel, you can see and join any raids that I make ahead of time. Right now im just looking to see how it works, so try and sign up. THx


Re: New Addon

arrrgh. I typed in a wrong password to start and now I cant get it back. So just made a new channel.

**New Channel = gemvertex **
**pass is the same as ventrilo**

Sorry about the confusion. We will start using DKP for ZG very soon, so plz get this installed and sign up as soon as possible. Thx.