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Rankings & What They Mean

With this merger from Malicious Assault I felt a need to share with our current members, and refresh some of those currently ranked "veteran" what it in fact means to be ranked "veteran" as well as Member, Initiate, and Trial. In the next few weeks rankings of certain Vertex members will be reviewed, as to be ranked Veteran certainly requires more than seniority.

Trial - You were recently invited to the guild, your title explains its self, you are on trial. You have been invited to the guild by recommendation of a senior member, or to fill the roles of classes which are lacking, or needed to run end game content. During this period you will earn no DKP, and not be able to spend DKP. This is a time for you to prove that you are worthy of the Vertex invite you have received, or may receive. You are expected to show discipline, knowledge of your class, and obedience.

Initiate - Assuming you perform on a certain level you will be promoted to Initiate, with this promotion it is accepted that you know your part in the guild raid and that you know the end game content well enough to potentially be a regular raid member. You will earn DKP on this promotion level, but will not be able to spend it.

Member - Vertex considers you a regular, you attend guild functions regularly, you are mature, can play your class, and are dependable. As member you will earn DKP, and be able to spend DKP on epic items in the Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, and Blackwing Lair.

Veteran - You have been with Vertex for a while, you are more than willing to lend your skills during unannounced guild functions, you are willing to further the guild as a whole. In WoW you put Vertex before your own interests, whether it be PvP, instance farming, material farming, or rep grinding. You come to events which are unofficial, you are mature, a person who plays their class well. You are willing to lend your services during raids where DKP is not used, and all other events which are considered off the book. As a veteran you can have officer's recruit people of need to the guild, or even a friend. You earn, and may spend DKP.