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Kane surname Celtic Origins.
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Cystitis, the medical term for inflammation of the bladder, is a common urinary system disease. Most of the time, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection. Currently, for the treatment of cystitis, the disease is easy to recur with the western medicine. Thus, more and more patients are prone to choose traditional Chinese medicine, especially for the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill. Here, the herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping will analyze how the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works on this disease.

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains Chinese herbs like Houttuynia cordata and Plantain Seed which clear away heat and remove toxin


Although lots of bacteria can be killed by antibiotics, however, due to the drug resistance of antibiotics, cystitis has a high recurrence rate and cannot be cured completely. The herbal pill - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, containing Chinese herbs like Houttuynia cordata and Plantain Seed, not only can clear away bacteria and inflammation, but also can clear heat and remove toxin. Thus, all bad materials can be cleared including these which cannot be cleared by antibiotics.

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill has the guiding drugs like Pangolin which can kill bacteria directly and effectively


Clinically, cystitis patients common