NCBS Stolen & Missing Instrument Information Page

This is the Northern California Bluegrass Society's national infomation page for stolen and missing musical instruments. This page can be used to announce the theft or other loss of musical instruments, updates on subsequent investigations, and news about the recovery of instruments. The forum is HTML-enabled, so that links may be added to other websites that contain pictures and other detailed information about the instruments. The NCBS does not warrant the accuracy of any information posted. Contact the source for details. Good luck to all!

NCBS Stolen & Missing Instrument Information Page
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Stelling Mastercross Banjo

We had a Stelling Mastercross banjo stolen from our home in Escondido (near San Diego) last week. It is about 25 years old and had "Fritz" engraved on the armrest. We are getting the serial number from the STelling company-- it was refurbished recently. Please be on the lookout for this banjo-- the thief may have replaced the armrest after stealing it.

Re: Stelling GOSPEL Banjo

whoops-- It's not a Mastercross, it's a Gospel. The serial number is 2085.