NCBS Stolen & Missing Instrument Information Page

This is the Northern California Bluegrass Society's national infomation page for stolen and missing musical instruments. This page can be used to announce the theft or other loss of musical instruments, updates on subsequent investigations, and news about the recovery of instruments. The forum is HTML-enabled, so that links may be added to other websites that contain pictures and other detailed information about the instruments. The NCBS does not warrant the accuracy of any information posted. Contact the source for details. Good luck to all!

NCBS Stolen & Missing Instrument Information Page
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Italian-Model Cello in black casestolen in Berkeley

Last night, my cello was stolen from my car which was parked on Telegraph Ave. (btwn 23rd and 24th street).

i feel an incredible amount of guilt because i didn't bring my instrument inside with me after a concert.

here is a list of things that were stolen:

- cello (in black case) - Italian-model
- BOSS ME-50B multi-effects pedal
- bright red instrument cables
- SCHERTLER pre-amp (pick-up mounted on the instrument)
- iPHONE 5 in TECH-21 case

STICKERS on case include:
- SHURE (microphones)
- peeling red sticker

Re: Italian-Model Cello in black casestolen in Berkeley

Stolen on August 10, 2014.