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Independent Americans Political Forum
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A few days ago, I posted on the journal (Independent Americans) information about the nature of Islam and what the "goals" of Islam, the Religion are.

The goals, for those who missed the post, are to turn the entire world into a world directed and authorized by the Quran and Sharia Law will be the Law of the Whole World. It's the New World Order ala Islam.

In the U.S. and some other western nations that hold the concept that "all religions are created equal" (a communist - socialist ideology which really means NONE of them are any good!), we have been defining some of the Islamists into "radicals" and some into "moderates".

Exactly WHAT does this mean to our personal lives and our government as a whole?

It means that the "moderates" believe that Islam is and should be the ONLY religion in the world, that to tolerate any other religion (including Secularism) is to "support" the Infidels and thereby, prevent the religion of Peace from taking over the world.

It means that the "moderates" believe that Islam is and should be the ONLY religion and that IF those who are called "radicals" are willing to take a chance on losing their lives (either through suicide missions or by capture and conviction), then so be it.

The ONLY difference between "moderates" and "radicals" is the METHODOLOGY of reaching the ultimate GOAL.

Check out dhimmiwatch and jhiadwatch ... links on the the journal page. These are sites written by Professors of Middle Eastern Studies that teach at major Universities in D.C. and have more than 20 years experience in this study.

I believe that we really need to fully and honestly educate our nation, the U.S.A. about the full extent of what Islam is all about. And, we need to STOP calling it by the erroneous name: Religion of Peace.