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Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in China

Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in China by its announcement about Muslims Uigurs persecution by Peking. But there is nothing in China in fact! HRW’s version had been fallen to pieces under the data vetting. Why are they doing it? Because they want to aggravate the situation around China! I think that States are going to prepare new force operation against China. Of course US have another tasks now Iran and Syria but than I think they will begin work with Peking in future. Americans prepare ground in good time. Moreover they use Japan and Taiwan for it which doesn’t suspect it. Meanwhile US managed to provoke the worse in dealings between China and Japan over and over again. By this way they are forming new fireplace in this district. US no need teacher for working in the context of dirigible crisis…

Re: Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in Chi

I don t think the Human Rights Watch is biased against China to serve supposed twisted US interests.
Well the Human Righst violations in Uighur by the chinese government have been fading in the past years, but they have been serious and well denounced by all the main human rights NGOs not only Human Rights Watch.
And the current problems between China and Japan, due to a change of the japanese schooltexts -who minimize the atrocity of the japanese troops againts chinese population during the second WW- cannot be related to a plot of the US govt.
It seems there are somebody who seen the CIA or the US in every situation of the planet, but it not necessarly be like that.

Re: Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in Chi

I do think HRW is Bush's puppet. I would not be terribly surprised it gets funding from the US government, directly or indirectly. There are many "pro-freedom" organisations that US has been funding for years, which specifically target foreign governments. Even if they are called NGOs.

It is also not surprising China gets under pressure, who tries to develop an indepedent economy and carry out foreign policy independent from US.

USA does try to poke its nose in every place in the planet. It would be naive not to think otherwise of a country who proclaims itself to be "the beacon of democracy and freedom" in the world.

Re: Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in Chi

I hope you are not right regarding HRW.
Anyway ,this NGO is much older than the presidency of both Bush junior and senior.
What I can guarantee to you is I am not receiving any fund from anybody related to the US govt.
US govt. may be mess in affairs in most of the world's countries, yes, but in that case, I mean ,changing the japanese school texts to cause the angry of the chinese population...well it seems too twisted to be true.It is difficult to think like that ...Bush calls Koizumi and proposed him to suggest to the Japanese Minister of Education a change in the textbooks minimizing the atrocity of the japanese troops during the Second World War ...all that trying to provoke the reaction of the chinese mobs...just to have an excuse to raise the tension against China again and prepare a war or an invasion to "liberate" Taiwan.
Don t you think it sounds very fantasious ?

Re: Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in Chi

Surely, it does not have to be as direct as that. However, victimizing China (through HRW, for example) becomes a signal for other "pro-freedom" countries (like Japan) behave disrespectfully towards China as well. Of course, China is not just a victim here, its attitude to Taiwan is becoming more aggressive recently. I do not welcome that because Taiwanese do not seem to be very willing to be annexed to China.

Re: Human Rights Watch is trying to attract attention to the problem of human right violation in Chi

Some Taiwanese just hate mainland China and conserve the post-war menthality and sentiments.Other ones feel to be chinese people and brother of mainland chinese but they are scared about the mainland chinese government.
They feel they could be victim of represails in the case of a reunification.
Chinese don t forget the past easily, they can be very rencorous, the cases of Hong Kong and Macao wre very different because they were given back to China after an agreement with the UK and portuguese govts.
Chinese govt.have always considered Taiwanese as rebels and their fury has been refrained because a risk of a catasrtophic war with the US (which compromized itself to defend Taiwan).
It is a very complex situation which will not be solved in the short term.
So, we have a share of Taiwanese who will never be willing to be a part of China ever and other who are awaiting the day China will be a multiparty democracy which could guarantee their rights.
That day, maybe in 15 or 20 days, will also put on confrontation (I hope not violent) between those two groups.