Some of our players have already booked flights returning on Sunday night. By July 4th falling on a Tuesday, some people have to work on Monday the 3rd. Sorry!
What about helping a team out who has no sponsor?? Say a team wins a division who has no sponsor, how bout helping them get a sponsor? Cause not all teams have been blessed to find a sponsor!!!!
You will not hear from all so go with the majority. Maybe you could ask Nelly if Friday night is an option. Its more likely that folks will be there on Friday as opposed to staying over on Sunday. If Friday night is not an option, then go with the ones who can do it. Large crowds are good but sometime small and intimate can be just as productive especially when you think about how these two guys always play to large, large crowds. Maybe they would enjoy a change of pace.
Now thats a great idea pay for the expense to fly the few teams thats left to get back home via plane or how ever they came....We are coming from Ga so it want be much especially if we win the tournament or start Friday night....south Ga Magic!!!!!1 1-3 gets a sponsor.....Wow that would be great!
To extend the tournament at this time would be hard on some working "Mothers" who are playing. Friday night is a good idea since most teams from other States will be there. Hope more celebrity teams will start making the BASA rounds. See you all in INDY!!
We would also like to hear from Nelly himself on the board. 3rd person has never been a good way to get feed back and cooperation. Either way sounds good to me. Team Tallahasee 31