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Re: Death Penalty

It really bothers me that one can be sentenced to death and twenty years later still have more amendment right appeals. I really dont see a "good" solution. If you say, let's kill them, then you are going to have the people who are going to fight for that to not happen. If you continue the way it is then people like you all and myself will continue to feel used by the system.

You as a judge finds a man guilty of murder, with overwhelming evidence, and you sentence him to dealth. If you were able to set the length of time from trial to death, what would it be? Me, I would give them two weeks to say good bye to family members and get their personal issues,like finances, together.

Re: Death Penalty

I'll give them maybe a maximum of 5 years for appeals and any new evidence that has not been shown....but the only reason for five is because of the corrupt criminal justice system.

Re: Death Penalty

I agree with Dinsum above b/c if the people that is committing these crimes understand the circumstances that they will be exposed to the same type of harsh crime that the do to others then we would not have all these unnnecessary crimes going on. (example: if some male rapes a woman put him in a cell with several death row inmates that haven't had a woman in years and expose the criminal to be rape also. they will stop the madness. Real Talk on 2sday. Church can we get a word or two.