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News about Bob West

This is a copy of an email I received July 15th, 2004.
It was originally sent to David Councill then distributed to all those persons on his mailing list.

I am forwarding this message on to everyone concerning classmate Bob West:

I am sending this to let you know about Bob West. Please forward this to our Karamursel Friend's. I know everyone would want to know what has happened. I can't get my address book to send this to a group. I hope you don't mind me asking you to do this.

Monday evening about 10:30 PM, Bob was on his Harley, going home when a car riding the center line clipped his left foot. Bob did not lose control of the bike but when he looked down at his left foot all he saw was a knob. He was able to turn the bike around and head back into Beaumont to the nearest hospital about 20 minutes away. When he got to the hospital they took him into surgery right away. The surgical team was able to reattach his foot.

No one at the hospital knew how to get in touch with anyone, since Bob was unconscious, so they looked thru his cell phone found a number that said MOM and called her. She lives in Arkansas and came right away, she is with him now. Tuesday morning, Bob's cell phone rang it was a friend from Beaumont looking for him. The nurses answered and told him what was going on. At that point his friend was able to get in touch with his daughter Cortney and let others know what was going on. Cortney told me she got to the hospital about 11:30 am Tuesday morning, by then the surgery was over and he was in a private room at the Baptist Hospital in Beaumont Texas, his room number is 212 and the phone number is 409-212-5244. Cortney told me the doctors prognosis is good right now, but he will most likely walk with a limp. They have him on a morphine drip, he's in and out of consciousness right now but the good news is he was able to move his toes today.

When I called Bob tonight he sounds OK, but he needs us right now. It is hard to keep the tears away as I write this, when I heard him speak I could hear the fear in his voice. Bob just bought a house and was planting trees and shrubs last weekend, I asked him what kind of flowers he liked and his response was "oh just send money" I said then a money tree is what you want right? We both laughed, he likes tropical plants and his favorite is a Stag Horn Tropical Plant. I only tell you this in case anyone does want to send him anything tropical plants, or food you know how guys are they like there food and beer.
If anyone wants to send him e-mail you can send them to me and I will get them to him right away. I have a fax machine and will send them to his daughter Cortney.
Please keep Bob in your prayers and lets show him the love and support he needs right now.
I will keep you up to date with his recovery.
Sherry Johnson-Parsons
My home number is 210-490-7480 and Cell is 210-885-7659

Re: News about Bob West

Any current news on Bob West or Mary West? Patty