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Cookham Twinning

Although some of Cookham Twinning’s regular activities are taking a break in July and August, we are now well into the preparations for the visit of Saint-Benoit in Autumn half-term, 26th-29th October.

An interesting programme of events has been lined up ranging from a formal reception to a skittles evening. The main visit of the weekend will be to Blenheim, ‘Britain’s greatest Palace’ and a world heritage site, followed by the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

We are seeking hosts for the visitors who stay with local families over the weekend, and if you’d like to offer this, please contact keith_le_page@hotmail.com. No knowledge of French is required as we will match you with English speaking visitors. Or perhaps you’d like visitors who don’t speak English so that you can practice your French! Even if not hosting, you are welcome to join the various activities in the visit, and Keith can provide you with full information about what is happening.