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Royal Borough residents invited to discover more about volunteering opportunities at a special Volun

This Saturday residents are invited to pop into Maidenhead Library to meet community and voluntary organisations from across the borough, at a special Volunteers Fair, which is being held to mark the 40th National Volunteers’ Week.

Volunteers’ Week celebrates the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK, and visitors to the fair, which is free to attend, will be able to discover what’s happening in their local area, as well as having the opportunity to find out how they might get involved.

Jesal Dhokia, Acting Assistant Director, Transformation and Community Partnerships at RBWM, said: “Volunteering is not only good for the community, but it’s also good for us as individuals, and it improves both physical and mental health as well as overall wellbeing.

“Volunteering also lets people put their existing talents and experiences to good use for their communities, while at the same time providing an opportunity to learn new skills and gain valuable work experience.

“We’re proud to have a strong voluntary and community sector that reaches right across the borough, and we’re committed to helping local people get involved in their communities to take action on things that matter to them. The Volunteer Fair at Maidenhead Library this Saturday, is a great way to help make this happen.”

The fair will run between 10am and 1pm, after which stallholders and attendees are invited to join in with The Big Lunch, from 1.30pm. The Big Lunch is a great way for communities to get to know each other, and people are invited, weather permitting, to bring their lunch for a big picnic at the amphitheatre outside Maidenhead Library.

The Volunteer Fair is being organised by the Voluntary & Community Sector Partnership. The partnership brings together the Royal Borough, Berkshire Community Foundation, WAM Get Involved, Windsor & Maidenhead Community Forum and East Berkshire Community Learning and Skills Service, to offer their combined knowledge and resources to support the work of the local voluntary and community sector.

If anyone has any questions, they are invited to email volunteer@rbwm.gov.uk.