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cycling PSPO consultation deadline

Please find the below statement regarding the extension of the cycling PSPO consultation deadline.

A council spokesperson said: “Earlier this year, we extended the PSPO prohibiting cycling at Peascod Street, Windsor and High Street, Maidenhead for a further three years.

“The PSPO currently prohibits cycling 24/7 at both locations. During the public consultation around this PSPO, we received some valuable feedback suggesting that a more balanced approach would be beneficial.

“Based on this feedback, we launched a follow-up consultation asking residents whether they agree with a separate proposal to amend the PSPO to apply only during the hours of 10am to 5pm. This has the potential to help promote active travel while continuing to promote safer cycling.

“During this consultation process, which started on 8 May, we’ve received feedback from some residents that a reference to motor vehicles in the consultation materials was unclear. We’ve therefore updated the consultation materials to clarify the existing rules and from today, we’re extending the consultation until Friday 28 June to give everyone extra time to share their views.

“We encourage all residents to have their say and participate online at RBWM Together, https://rbwmtogether.rbwm.gov.uk/consultation-to-vary-pspo-for-cycling-2?_gl=1*1qvpzdl*_ga*MTcwNTc0ODk0MS4xNzE3NDg4MDYw*_ga_B1S76ZFQXK*MTcxNzQ4ODA2MC4xLjEuMTcxNzQ4ODU0MC4wLjAuMA.. or use the public-access computers available at all local libraries, where paper copies of the consultation documents are also available upon request.”

Clarification: The rules for motor vehicles in these streets
Peascod Street is a pedestrian only area, but permit holders and delivery drivers may access the street between 6am and 10am, and 5pm and 8pm. Part of Maidenhead High Street is also a pedestrian only area, with slightly different restrictions. Deliveries are permitted before 10am and after 5pm, and certain permit holders have access during the day.

Despite the very subtle differences, for both streets the daytime traffic exclusions apply from the hours of 10am to 5pm.

The current proposal for both streets in the consultation is for cycling to be permitted in these streets outside the hours of 10am to 5pm. Cycling would be permitted overnight on Peascod Street, where motor traffic is not. And unlike motor vehicles, cyclists would not be restricted to people making deliveries.