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The Cookham Festival Comes to an End

As the 2024 Cookham Festival comes to a close, we would like to thank everyone who has taken part by volunteering, organising, appearing or attending. We hope you have enjoyed it.

Our final event is the Cantorum Choir's Gala Concert at Holy Trinity Church at 7:30pm on Sunday and the programme of John Rutter's "Feel The Spirit" and Will Todd's "Mass In Blue" is guaranteed to raise the roof. There are a few tickets left at the time of writing, so don't miss out, book now.

See you all in 2 years for Cookham Festival 2026, hopefully!

Re: The Cookham Festival Comes to an End

And I know I am just one of many who would want to acknowledge the huge effort that has been involved in putting on such a multi-faceted and hugely enjoyable series of activities. Well done Derek and colleagues!!!