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Be God's Helper: A New Invitation

Each new quarter our Be God’s Helper Guide and Journal offers an opportunity for a new beginning in our personal growth efforts. It is like making New Years’ resolutions four times a year. You can be a part of the Be God's Helper movement, a strategy to make helping actions the highest priority for human living. Our vision is to help all people help themselves, help all others, and help our only habitat, the organism we call Earth. “My Present Helping Plan” and “My Present Helping Process” as presented in the Guide can transform our lives day by day. There is power in the plan to Be God's Helper. The more we make use of the Helping Plan, the more the Helping Plan makes use of us. There is power in the process to Be God's Helper. The more we give to the Helping Process, the more the Helping Process gives to us. Just contact us and we will send you one. The Guide is FREE! Gifts are welcomed!
