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Become God's People: Communicate Our Faith in God

Does faith emit communication in the same way that the sun emits light? Does true faith, by its very nature share itself, or does a separate decision have to be made to communicate it? If people experience “good news,” by what ever definition, does that experience automatically lead to communicating it or do people have to make a second choice to share it. Traditionally the understanding of the good news has been called evangelism and being evangelistic, good news driven, was viewed with skepticism by some. If communicating “good news” is an automatic by-product of experiencing good news, just as light is the automatic by-product of the sun, then every person who experiences meanings that are good news for them should be communicating those meanings without having to make that decision. The question then changes from, “Should I be an evangelist for meanings that are good news to me?” to “What is the most helpful way for others to receive the communication of my experience of good news?” Of course, there may be a prior problem. What if I don’t have any meanings that are good news for me? Then my choice narrows down to this: Do I reject the call to communicate good news (to be an evangelist) or do I communicate someone else’s experience of good news that are not my own (usually with bad results)? Instead of those two narrow alternatives, it would be better to walk the journey of faith as one of God’s/Earth’s helpers and the “good news” worth sharing will spring forth.
