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Re: Re: Be God's Helper

To say that all helping is love by definition is an interesting concept. If love and help are actually synonyms, then my question is a false dichotomy. I like the way you try to use the good intentions of others that are not helpful to contribute to something that is helpful for you. Helping it seems to me has to do with the actions I take that either help or harm others. Loving is more the emotion I feel when I am taking an action. I think each event of our life is made up of an action (inaction is an action) and a feeling (lack of feeling is a feeling). So the action or behavioral part can be anywhere on a continuum from helping to harming. The feeling or emotional part can be anywhere on a continuum from loving to hating. The two need not always match. A loving feeling could be integrated with a harmful act and a hateful feeling could be integrated with a helpful act. The Be God's Helper (Be Earth's Helper) goal would be maximum helping and maximum loving for each event of our lives.
