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Find God's Truth: Search for God's New Creating

We humans love to create. We create symbolic languages to help us with our creating. We have scientific language, mathematical language, musical language, poetic language, artistic language, computer language, wireless language, statistical language, etc. Each language opens up new avenues for human creativity. We create groups to help us with our creating. We have groups related to our languages as well as to every other conceivable aspect of human life. We create groups whose purpose is to create a more just experience for all humans. Is all human creating God’s creating or is there a way to separate God’s creating from human creating? Earlier paradigm two-universe Christians favor a separation between what God creates and what humans create. Emerging paradigm two-universe Christians favor a co-creating role with God but suggest that God is not creating without human effort. One-universe Christians see new creating as a partnership between Earth and human effort with “God” as the symbol for the best of this ongoing creative effort. The challenge then is to determine which creative efforts should be supported and which should be opposed. The criteria of helpfulness rather than conformity to some ideology offers the most promising evaluation process. Where do you find God’s new creating today?
