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Find God's Truth: Understand God's Actions in History

As humans we want to know what really happened in past events. This very human curiosity is the source of ancient myths and is illustrated by the current popularity of The DaVinci Code. But this study of past events, history, is becoming a problem for Christianity. We have made a basic claim that God acts in human history. For centuries such claims were used as powerful "proofs" of faith. Today, integrity requires that historical claims be examined and validated by historical methods. The dominant Christian response demanded that those who are skeptical of its claims had the burden to disprove them But the burden of proof to provide convincing evidence is on the one who makes the claim. So Christians have a choice. We can produce the evidence using observable historical methodology to back up our claims which so far has been unsuccessful. Or we can acknowledge that our most important claims such as covenants, divine incarnation, resurrection, etc. are not history after all but expansive human assumptions stemming from a shrinking historical base. Two-universe Christians who prefer Borg’s earlier paradigm will choose the former. Two-universe Christians who prefer Borg’s emerging paradigm will choose the latter. One-universe Christians will choose this embryonic paradigm: God, defined as Organism Earth including the best of human meanings and actions, acts through the events of history to advance the cause of justice and shalom for all living beings.


Re: Find God's Truth: Understand God's Actions in History

Calling all One-universe Christians:

I'm fascinated by David's comments, and would love to hear from some of you who do consider yourself OUC. I mean this very respectfully: Why, if there is no second "spiritual" universe, profess or express faith of any kind? Why not just be good humanists? Aren't religious and faith communities based on, not necessarily heaven, but the belief in a "More" or a "Beyond"?

I have my own emerging ideas about it, but I'm curious what others might think.

No offense intended! I'm not even sure how many universes I want to openly acknowledge.

