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Love God's Others: Share God's Gifts

We humans have a need to feel appreciated. We want to feel that our contribution makes a difference. This need to be wanted is rooted very deeply in each of our lives. It lies, I think, at the root of our love for others. A narrow view of God’s others will result in a selective love while the widest view includes all humans and the Earth itself. Sharing God’s gifts is part of what it means to love God’s others. What feeling is more satisfying than to give something to someone who is in need. We are appreciated and it feels good. Our explanations for sharing will vary. For some of us with a second universe explanation , we love because God first loved us and also because it gives us positive affirmation from others. For some of us with a one universe explanation we love because we have been loved and also because it gives us positive affirmation from others. Recognizing that we enter and leave this world with nothing helps keep the perspective that we are only stewards in life and not owners. Helping where we can helps us to feel appreciated.


Re: Love God's Others: Share God's Gifts

It's interesting--- so many times, Christianity urges us to act with total altruism. Yet, you point out the reality of our need to be needed and appreciated. It seems to me that there is, most times, a combination of altuism and some emotional need when we share our gifts. Is that so bad? I think not. Does the helpee care? I think not. It's good to be "real" enough to admit to our "mixed motives" in gift giving. Yes, the "ideal" is altruistic giving,but the reality of mixed motives "ain't" so bad,either!!! Do you all think so?
