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Be God's Helper: Trust God's Love: Grow in Our Faith in God

Meaning is a critical need for human beings. We live by our meanings. If we think of humans as a room, the length could represent the body, the width could represent the mind, and the height could represent meaning. Our evolutionary history suggests that we progressed, from body to mind, and more recently, with the advent of language, to meaning. To grow in our faith means to grow in our meanings. “Use it or lose it” is common advice for our bodies and our minds. Perhaps “Grow or die” is companion advice for our meanings. The dying, of course, is not literal death but living by dead meanings that no longer fulfill our need for living meanings. Living meanings are flexible and expanding. Dead meanings are inflexible and frozen. Growing in our meanings like using our bodies and our minds takes effort. We must overcome two hindrances to living meanings. The first is that the best living meanings are in the past rather than the future. The second is that living meanings are absolutes from a second universe rather than the best insights from this universe. To keep our meanings from dying we need continuous effort to grow in our meanings with God.


Re: Be God's Helper: Trust God's Love: Grow in Our Faith in God

I really agree with the importance of living meanings.I'm wondering whether a two universe view about meaning HAS to revolve around ABSOLUTES handed down from above. Could not a two universe view of meaning concern the intuitions we humans have "through a glass darkly" which give depth to the other insights we obtain about this universe. Our intuitions about God can enrich the meaning we garner from this universe. In doesn't necessarly HAVE TO DO with Absolutes does it,(though that IS the way some fundamental literalists like to gain their sense of certainty about meaning)?


Re: Be God's Helper: Trust God's Love: Grow in Our Faith in God

The intuition you describe fits into my one universe and is explorable in theory. The second universe and perhaps the God you refer to is ultimately not explorable, ineffable some say. That makes it absolute in my mind, absolutely unexplorable.
