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Tax Protest

What if every American who opposes the occupation of Iraq refused to pay their taxes this April? If there were 100,000 maybe 200,000 or even 5 million tax payers who withheld their taxes this April, how long would it take for the troops to get out of Iraq? Marches don't seem to affect this administration, only money talks with them.


Re: Tax Protest

This has been suggested so many times already on contless web pages. I'm afraid that all it would lead to would be an entirely new prison population. Namely, us! These criminals have no conception that we pay their salaries and that they work for us. For them, it is the other way around. We are to serve them and their corporate sponsors. We now have fascisme in it's purest, Mussolini definition: government of, by, and for the corporations and for those whom the corporations enrich.

My major concern is our broken and easily corrupted electoral system. (Is anybody even thinking about this in terms of 2006?) Without free and fair elections--which would seem to be a thing of the past in this country after 2000, 2002, and 2004--there will be no way to end the Bush Reich.

Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but I never thought that the latter part of my life would witness the national and worldwide depredations of such a perversion of American civic life. This army of the Apocalypse is destroying everything I have held dear for a lifetime!


Re: Tax Protest

Ivan, During the Vietnam war this was done by quite a few people. Some were prosecuted by the IRS and some were just left go. At that time, there was a percentage of our tax that was calculated to go to defense, it was that percentage that was witheld, the War Tax. Bob's reply is a frightning picture! The Bush Reich may continue with brother Jeb, who's finishing up his last year as our govenor.

As a parent of college students, what are their thoughts on this? During the Vietnam war, it was the college students who in many ways led the crusade against the war. Of course the draft made the issue more intense.

Re: Re: Tax Protest

The tide is already turning on Iraq. We need to keep converting more people. Demonstrations help. Signing petitions help. Contacting our legislators helps. One specific action we can take in Florida is to help reform the electoral process by creating legislative and congressional districts that are designed by a neutral commission rather than partisan legislators. Sign the constitutional amendment to get this on the ballat for next fall. Maybe it will spread to Texas and elsewhere. Go to for the information. Joyce Raby has copies or you can download the petition forms at the website.
