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Trust God's Love: Receive God's Accepting Love

Receive God’s Accepting Love is the first of three weekly actions that explore what it means to Trust God’s Love. There is a universal human need to feel accepted. We want to feel at-one with “what is.” Both Jewish and Christian traditions have claimed that this need is met by the loving actions of God and not by human actions. In both faiths trusting that acceptance comes first. That trusting becomes the foundation and motivation for helping actions. The acceptance is total, just as we are. We are released from the psychological bondage, but not the consequences, of our past actions. We don’t fear being unacceptable in the future. Non-religious people can achieve the same result. Without negative life explanations of human nature like original sin, non-religious people don’t have to create dramatic interventions from a second universe to solve a huge problem they themselves created. Instead they also must receive accepting love that is outside of each person. Receive Earth’s accepting love is the first step. It is an assumed given that is not the result of human effort. It motivates non-religious people to focus on the life empowering actions of helping rather than trying to figure out the feelings, attitudes, and desires of an assumed second universe.


Re: Trust God's Love: Receive God's Accepting Love

David, I'm not trying to be difficult, really I'm not, but I don't know what you mean by trusting in Earth's accepting love. It's my understanding that love is given and received by living beings. The term Earth isn't a personal living being in that sense. It denotes our planet and the ecology of it. From that point of view , the whole fourth assumption is linguistically very strained. I think it would be better to reword the fourth assumption ,even if it means breaking the parallelism of the categories.
