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Pointing out unhelpfulness?

Hey, where is everyone? I’ve taken the liberty of putting a blog on my collage this week, hoping to stimulate some hot conversation. I have this perverse view of helpfulnes as sometimes being a cynical pointing out of unhelpfulness? Does that make any sense? I think it comes from being a gay pacifist on a faith journey that frequently values neither.

Re: Pointing out unhelpfulness?

I find your "cynical images" stimulating. It is not that I have to agree with them but they present a way at looking at reality from a different perspective and that , I believe is a good thing to do. Thanks for the effort you put into it.


Re: Re: Pointing out unhelpfulness?

Eugene, I, too,find all the work in your collages and in your well written comments most helpful. I echo David's appreciation for what you do here. As my frequent listings clearly show, I love the format of the forum and do hope more people join in!!!


Re: Pointing out unhelpfulness?

H***, Eugene, it's a lot more than faith (or religion) that frequently devalues gayness or pacifism. They are in the minority in most social arenas, and acceptance of them is a relatively recent phenomenon.

But then, faith *is* humankind's ultimate search for meaning, I guess, so that would add a certain intensity to the rejection or devaluation...and therefore encourage an individual simultaneously in both categories to take a more "nonconformist" stance. Oh, or was that from simply being raised as a mennonite?

Anyway, Kenton & I both loved you blogollage.

Love ya, Babe!
