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These readings present us with the four great themes of Advent: heaven,hell judgement and ****ation. Traditionally, these themes are meant to turn us inward to evaluate ourselves and our readiness to receive Christ at his birth and at his second Coming.(Venire is the Latin verb 'to come') I prepare for Christ's coming by looking at my own sense of compassion and justice. Where and how do I need to be more compassionate, more just in my life? How do I need to develop a more intimate relationship with God in the coming year? I would be interested to hear how others deal with this season of Advent which calls us to "be awake"!!!!


Re: Advent

Since you asked, Marion...

When I read these advent passages, I think of the people in ancient times who probably felt depressed and frightened by the season leading up to the winter solstice. When days became shorter, and resources ran low, I would imagine that people often felt like God was angry with them. Our current winter celebrations reflect earlier pagan celebrations that focused on this yearning for light, this waiting.

So, when I read about God's comfort, making rough places plain, etc., I think about my own tendency to get bogged down as the days grow shorter. I try to give myself a break, because really my life (due to my career) is so tied up in helping actions that my efforts need to include a little more reassurance that the best I have to give is good enough.

The winter celebrations and focus on light seem like lovely reminders that the earth's life cycle will continue and that Love is always available, even when times seem dark.


Re: Re: Advent

I love your metaphorical approach to Advent,Miriam----taking the time to reassure yourself of divine light and love. Seasons,such as Advent and Lent, provide times to build self awareness about our relationship with God and others. Some of us are too self critical and need to "lighten up". Some of us are indolent and need to "wake up". Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
