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Ezekiel 24

In this passage, God says that he will render justice to the fat sheep and the thin sheep in this holy land. I wonder what would be God's justice today in this land racked by years and years of war,retaliation and hatred between the descendents of two Biblical half brothers, Isaac and Ishmael?


Re: Ezekiel 24

So many times since the UN created Israel in ‘47 “Prophets” on both sides have claimed God’s judgment. It was thought by many that the UN itself was acting as an arm of the Almighty. Great swaths of civilization have aligned themselves with fat sheep and skinny sheep. And now President Bush has gotten into the act of sheep judging. I’d prefer to let brother Kofie Anan play the Ezekiel role for now.

Re: Re: Ezekiel 24

In addition we can eliminate the breeding ground for the "prophets of God", namely the assumed "second universe" into which anyone can reach to find "divine sanction" for their own greed and prejudices.


Re: Re: Re: Ezekiel 24

I love the way you put this, "Breeding ground" indeed! The process of letting go of this comforting concept of a second universe is slow going. And being reminded of it is good. Centuries of inbreeding of the concept has probably modified our individual and group behavior. And probably some natural selection kickes in too, if you believe in the second universe, you and your group enjoy benefits.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ezekiel 34

Gentlemen, I demur. I don't think we need to dismiss the second universe because its "prophets" are problematical. I think the better way is to free ourselves from our own egotistical agendas in order to listen better to God's will for us .
