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Researching Gustav Meyrink

I have taken an interest in Gustav Meyrink ever since I saw him referred to in one of Raymond Bernard's books as "a past Rosicrucian grand master." Indeed, my researches show he was the grand master of a lodge of "The Asiatic Brethren" in Prague. Though he is famous for having written "The Golem", his later works ("The Green Face", "The White Dominican") are decidedly more mystical and less macabre.

My internet searches turned up a page (http://www.travelrewards.net/seeker/RCdigestsMay1959.html) that lists an article in the May 1959 edition of The Rosicrucian Digest called "Who Was Gustav Meyrink?" Now, sitting here in Budapest, I have no access whatsoever to an archive of Rosicrucian Digests. Does anyone out there have an idea how I could get access to this article? I'd be very interested in seeing it.


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Serafine Anthony Lemos - Hayward, CA, USA